Sergiev Prokofiev – komponist
Sergiev Prokofiev – komponist, 2012
1. mixed materials / 2. oil on canvas / 3. acrylic on canvas, 40 x 40 cm x 3
kr. 16.000,00
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Christian Skeel (b. 1956 DK) is a visual artist and composer and have often worked interdisciplinary, by example he has created the light artwork on the front façade on the Nils Bohr Institute “NBI Colliderscope” (2010) with visual artist Morten Skriver and the physicist Clive Ellegaard. Selected solo exhibitions: “The Three Body Problem”, with Morten Skriver and Clive Ellegaard (2018), “Portraits” (2013), ”Malerier 2009-10” (2010), ”Nærbilleder” (2008), Galleri Tom Christoffersen. As a composer he has released the cds ”Metropolitan Suide” (w. Martin Hall), ”Samlede Kompositioner” (w. Morti Vizki) and ”Short Pieces”. Publications: ”Rejsebog, Vej” and ”Den usynlige dreng” made in collaborationMorti Vizki. Christian Skeel is represented by a.o.: Kiasma, Helsinki (SF), Esbjerg Art Museum, Esbjerg, Ny Carlsberg Foundation and The Danish Art Foundation.